Integrative Life & Leadership Coach

Helping you elevate your human experience to new heights.

Are you ready to release old patterns, reclaim your authenticity, and elevate your human experience?

As humans, we crave a life of meaning and purpose, but we are often caught up in the search — unable to see clearly through the trappings of our monkey minds, social programming, and emotional baggage.

As an integrative coach, I can help you become mindful of the subconscious thoughts, beliefs and actions that are keeping you stuck, and empower you to reclaim your authenticity, align with your purpose and reach your full potential.

Let's connect to discover how I can help you elevate.

Schedule your FREE 30 minute intro session with me to learn about my integrative coaching style and discover if we are a good fit.
Schedule FREE intro session

Whether you are looking to elevate your personal life, your career, or your business, I am here to help.

Integrative Life Coaching

If you are feeling stuck in any area of your life, we will explore your subconscious mind to identify the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that are holding you back, and discover ways to overcome them. Throughout the coaching sessions, you will learn techniques to retrain your mind, release limiting beliefs, and align your energy with the experiences you desire to have. We will end each session with you feeling inspired, motivated and empowered to get unstuck.

If you are searching for purpose, we will investigate the social conditioning that has shaped your beliefs and identity, discover your personal values and explore ways for you to align your thoughts, feelings and actions with your personal truth. Through the process, you will be empowered to reclaim your authenticity, so that you can stop searching for your purpose, and start living with purpose.

Integrative Leadership Coaching

Being a team leader or entrepreneur can be very rewarding, but successful leadership does not come without its own set of unique challenges. There are times when even the most experienced leaders find themselves struggling to inspire, engage and motivate their teams.

As a leader, it's important to maintain an open mind, a healthy level of confidence and effective communication to keep things moving swiftly in the right direction. But, as humans, we often struggle to recognize the personal pitfalls keeping us from achieving our goals. This is where leadership coaching comes in.

During our sessions, we will explore your personality strengths and weaknesses and develop an action plan for change. Through the process, you will discover ways to activate and leverage the leadership skills that are within you, develop a deeper understanding of how to navigate different personalities, and become empowered to inspire greatness within your team.

Things you might be wondering

What is integrative coaching?

Integrative coaching combines coaching fundamentals with wholistic healing techniques to achieve authentic transformation and long-lasting change. Together, we explore your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing, and work to bring those aspects into alignment with your authentic goals.

How do we start?

We start with a FREE 30 minute intro session where we learn about each other and discover if we are a good fit. If we are both comfortable moving forward with the coaching contract, we will develop a coaching agreement and begin our sessions.

Where do the sessions take place?

We have our sessions through video chat, so you can be anywhere you feel most comfortable.

How much does it cost?

I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, so each coaching program is tailored to individual needs. We will discuss and agree on a price during our intro session.

Schedule FREE intro session

A little bit about me

I'm Irina McNeill, and I am on a mission to elevate the human experience.

I believe that in order for the human collective to elevate and thrive, we must each reclaim our authenticity and re-imagine the way we live and do business.

After years of retraining my mind and doing inner work, I was able to connect with my truth and align with my purpose. Now I strive to learn everything I can about the philosophy and science of human nature so that I can better serve others throughout their journey.

Have questions?

Send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.